Friday, November 28, 2008

"Green Apple Present" - SOLD

6" x 6" oil on gessoed panel
I once had a color theory teacher who harbored a silly hatred for chartreuse. We were actually told that we would be penalized for using it in any assignments, because "It had no use anywhere" (It's safe to say this woman knows nothing about the original 1970s Lamborghini Miura and has never seen any nightclub flyers). Since taking that class years ago, I like to keep an eye out for chartreuse-type greens in daily use. The latest appearance was on last Sunday's "Thanskgiving Showdown" episode of Iron Chef America. Besides a really wicked Indian Pudding dessert cooked by Bobby Flay, the show featured a chartreuse ICA "crossed knives" logo on the judge's table.
For my part, I picked up a delightfully retro green background cloth at a fabric store the other day, and I decided to put it to use with a yellow-green apple and a small gift box from the roommate's jewelry cabinet. Green is my all-around favorite color to begin with, so it was fun to throw together various blues with my two mainstay yellows. The downside is that it was hard to adjust the photograph of the painting, with all the subtle yellow-greens in play.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"The Chrome Bear" - SOLD

6" x 8" oil on archival canvas panel
Yes, it's a chrome-plated polar bear. Every so often, in one of America's numberless stores full of kitschy Chinese junk, I'll find something so strange that I have to have it. Such was the case with this chrome Christmas bear. It's like a hood ornament from Santa's vintage roadster. I have no idea what I'm intended to do with it, but it was half-price, and since it is the patriotic duty of all freedom-loving Americans to buy stuff when it's on sale, it came home with me.
The berries are from a small tree outside my apartment building. I don't know what kind of tree it is, but it has borne lovely little red berries for weeks now, despite two cold snaps and a rapidly fading fall season.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


6" x 8" oil on archival canvas panel
From the "I Swear The Title Is Not A Dirty Euphemism" file. I meant to paint this arrangement last week using an Australian blood orange - they were rounder and more red - but the roommate wiped out the last orange before I could paint it. I had to substitute a tangerine instead. The glass item is actually a teapot, the roundness of which inspired both the idea and the title.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Graphic Apple"

6" x 8" oil on archival canvas panel
My first painting on a 6x8 RayMar panel. I've been experimenting with canvas panels, and I wanted to move up in painting size. The apple is a honey crisp (best apple EVER) from the local grocery store which just happened to have a striking set of stripes on its skin. It looked very graphic, and I painted it as such, hence the title!
I must apologise for my absence. It's been a crummy week and a half for artistic achievement. I was neatly taken down by a number of logistical issues, combined with a freak fall cold which put me out cold on the couch right in the middle of a work week. I did manage this painting (cue sound of cheers), and some sickbed sketches. I'm back in my correct work routine, G-d be praised, and happy to be there.

Monday, November 10, 2008

"East Texas Honey"

5" x 7" oil on gessoed panel
This was a fun subject. The honey jar really is labelled "Honey 100% Pure East Texas" and contains a section of comb. The bear figurine is one of three that I picked up somewhere years ago. I don't even know what exactly they are supposed to be - I think maybe they were intended as something to put on top of a pencil - but I have one each in flourescent pink, flourescent green, and white (pictured). It was the only thing in the house that was remotely appropriate for accompanying a honey jar.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"Silver Cup, Red Orange"

5" x 7" oil on gessoed panel
I bought a worn silver cup at a thrift store a while back that I have really wanted to paint for a while now. There was no special idea behind this one, just a combination of silver, orange, and blue, using my favorite backdrop cloth (which is actually a ladies pajama top, I think). The orange is an Australian blood orange acquired at a local upscale market store, of interest to me because it's red more than "orange". I thought about showing it partly peeled, but a blood orange with the flesh showing looks a bit freaky. Maybe I should have done that for Halloween...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Mango Lemon Buddha" - SOLD

6" x 6" oil on gessoed panel
I wanted to do something very yellow.