Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Uranium Glass Cat"

5" x 7" oil on gessoed panel
Title says it all - this is a cat made from Uranium Oxide glass. I bit off more than I was expecting to chew with this one. I accidentally overslept on this workday, and the late wakeup put me under time pressure to set up and start painting, so I grabbed the cat from the roommate's curio cabinet, put it on top of a box, stuck a sheet of paper under it to break up the background, turned on the light, and got to work. It took a lot of work to cope with the varied colors, reflections, transparencies, and opacities on what appeared to be a simple green piece of glass.
If you ever see one of these Uranium Glass antiques, you should know that the glass is not dangerous, but it really is made with a form of Uranium. And yes, the feet of the cat were off the paper on the actual object, so although it looks like it's floating, that's how it sat on the box top.

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