Monday, November 10, 2008

"East Texas Honey"

5" x 7" oil on gessoed panel
This was a fun subject. The honey jar really is labelled "Honey 100% Pure East Texas" and contains a section of comb. The bear figurine is one of three that I picked up somewhere years ago. I don't even know what exactly they are supposed to be - I think maybe they were intended as something to put on top of a pencil - but I have one each in flourescent pink, flourescent green, and white (pictured). It was the only thing in the house that was remotely appropriate for accompanying a honey jar.


Alice Thompson said...

I tagged you- don't be afraid.

Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Terry, she tagged me, too. It's not so bad. :)
I love your honey jar! (and I'm from East Texas so... I really love it)