Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Berries And Orange"

5" x 7" oil on gessoed panel
I'm usually a bit stumped when it comes time to title these more "traditional" type miniature still-life paintings. I don't want to be pretentious, but I don't want to be flat and explicitly technical, either. On the other hand, sometimes flat and technical is all I can think of. I wanted to to paint some of the berries from the tree outside again, I had a creamer to put them in, and I needed something large and eye-catching for contrast. Staying seasonal, I picked an orange from the store. I used one of my new background cloths. So... It's "Berries And Orange" because it's the shortest way of telling the truth about the painting.
This is not to say that I had no enthusiasm about the subject beyond the immediately technical, but I'd rather not beat the viewer over the head with highbrow noise (especially since eBay listings need short titles). Unless you're into that sort of thing? "Existential Pairing #5: Fruits of The Season" could work, too, if you like. Whatever levitates your seagoing craft, wink smiley!

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