Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Strawberry Pair"

6" x 6" oil on gessoed panel
I apologize for my lack of posts lately - I came down with some sort of sickness last week. It must be something going around the entire country, because I know of multiple people in different states who have been ill in the past two weeks. Thankfully I am now back underway, (relatively) healthy again and apparently free from January doldrums.
I've never painted strawberries before. I like them. They are of course pleasantly red, and good strawberries on home-made shortcake with real whipped cream is a pleasure fit for kings. Such was the post-painting fate I had planned for these, but the lady roommate decided to eat them plain while watching television. Next time, my pretties... Next time you will be shortcake...


Bill Sharp said...

I love this one. That's a beautiful green.

Terry Daniels said...

Thank you! My 70's-style chartreuse background cloth is one of my favorites.

Dean Grey said...

This is excellent!

The rendering is just flawless. The reds are super intense and I love the green cloth as a backdrop.

Very strong piece.
