Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Life imitates Henri Rousseau

Not pictured: Nude women, French Post-Impressionism.

I was on the porch sketching with pen & ink and had gotten up to get another glass of iced tea when I turned around and saw Roland "hiding" in the houseplants. They had been taken down because of a storm, and became a convenient mini-jungle right out of Henri Rousseau's "The Dream". I can't believe he stayed still long enough for me to get the camera.

Sketching with a waterbrush and either sumi-e or a fountain pen/grayscale marker combination is my way to get around a mental block. When all else fails, grab the big sketchbook, put the ink in the left hand and the water in the right, and get through it. I start with random strokes and build from there. It doesn't result in beautiful, perfect composition, but it gets the basics on paper. Lately my quick & dirty ink sketches have been images of the jungle:

These are serving as preliminary work for illustrations in support of one of my long-term animation projects. I'll put more from this project up soon.

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