Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Post-fishing-weekend re-org

I'm back from a weekend at Lake Fork. I'm doing some major re-organizing behind the scenes here, and will have new work up by the weekend, at my newly purcha$$$ed eBay store. Please forgive dead links in the meantime; I have to shuffle a lot of things around.
With Erik Tiemens and Nathan Fowkes in mind, I made plans to try some gouache & watercolor sketching while out and about around the lake. I've never seriously tried the combination before, so it was all new - new environment, new brushes, new moleskine, new paints, new technique.
One of the views from the dock near the RV park
Trees in a small park across the causeway, eastern half of the lake
I didn't learn until after we got there that Lake Fork is one of the best bass fishing lakes in Texas. I didn't have any luck, and I felt compelled to quickly give up fishing pole for paint and sketchbook, but the lady of the apartment caught two small fish (both too small to eat, lucky for them):
The sunsets out there are lovely, and the abundance of birds was startling. The lake is quite large and gives an impression of emptiness in the photos, but it felt very active and rich in wildlife (especially bugs - all those fish have to eat something). Saturday evening's sunset looked like an ideal Japanese painting, with black horizon, hinomaru-red sun, and wading birds flying across the evening sky. I chose to put the paints down and enjoy it rather than try to capture it in situ, but I may work up something representative later.

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