Monday, April 13, 2009

Post-holiday "Sunday Roses"

Some roses for a post-Sunday Monday - a relatively quick & loose outdoor sketch of some white roses that the lady of the house received for her birthday, painted "live" out on my porch on my plein aire gear. These were actually painted a couple of weeks ago. I meant to post this (and several other works) before the holiday weekend, but on Wednesday & Thursday I actually didn't have enough light to photograph paintings due to inclement weather. At least the random cold snaps have stopped, which means the flowers I'm painting are that much less likely to perish before I'm done with them...
The trouble for the outdoors-minded painter is that there are only three basic seasons in north Texas, "Ungodly Hot", "Stormy", and what I as a Yankee transplant describe as "Ludicrous" - Ludicrous being the fitful, random, non-sensical transition between the first and second seasons, a sort of perpetual manic fit of conditions that alternates between a beautiful spring and quasi-winter. At this point I'd normally expound at length on how I strongly believe that a properly structured world should have four seasons, but I'll let it go, and just close by saying that I'll have some new work up tomorrow!

"Sunday Roses" - 6" x 8" oil on Ray-Mar canvas panel



Dean Grey said...

Hi Terry!

I love this one.

The composition is great, getting to see the roses from side view.

Very impressionistic as well.

I like that you snuck some reds into a couple of the petals too.

Really great painting here!


Terry Daniels said...

I'm glad somebody likes it! They frustrated the hec, out of me... There is so much going on in a "simple" rose petal that I felt overwhelmed. The lighting was shifting like crazy too (late afternoon painting), and at one point I had direct sunlight on the canvas itself while I was working, which can of course play heck with value judgements. Such are the dangers of an impromptu outdoor painting session, I suppose.