Friday, April 17, 2009

"Snapdragon 2"

Only a few minutes ago it was Thursday, and now it's Friday, so here I am making a Friday post... I'll be away for the weekend, and will hopefully have a chance to post more new work right after I return. In the meantime here is the second Snapdragon. I had to rush a bit to complete this one as one of the blossoms died on me while I was painting, and then the photo didn't turn out so great... I really need to invest in a reliable setup for photographing my paintings as soon as I have the money.
The plant itself cost me $2.15 total, and is thriving happily out on the porch with plenty of new flower buds on the stalks, so I should be able to re-visit this subject in a week or two. I am pleased with the large painting return on a small monetary investment, and I look forward to the test and comparison between "old" and "new" paintings.

"Snapdragon 2" - 8" x 6" oil on Ray-Mar canvas panel


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