Monday, December 15, 2008

"Punk Orange" - SOLD

6" x 8" oil on archival canvas panel
This is a rare "Sunday Night Painting". I visited a local Upscale Market Store on Sunday for some Christmas wine and other goodies, and was delighted to find a surprisingly large variety of new and strange fruits in the bins, including "Satsuma Mandarins" with leaves still attached. The roommate picked this one out as her favorite. My conservative eye had located an orange with a couple of cute little leaves, but she dug a little deeper and pulled out this one with a full punk rock hairdo.
I brought home three or four different things to paint and was excited enough that I went ahead and started painting at 8 P.M. on a Sunday (Normally at that time I crash out and play video games or watch a downloaded copy of the week's episode of Top Gear). The late start wasn't a problem, as I had to paint fast anyway - the 75W bulb in my painting lamp is unkind to fresh greenery.

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