Monday, August 18, 2008

"Strange Fruit" - SOLD

5" x 7" oil on gessoed panel
A cucumber is a fruit, according to the internet, but I didn't know that when I titled this one. The figure is about an inch tall. I found it on a staircase a block east of my dorm while out walking one day during my mis-spent year at a large northeastern university... He might be called Lost Buddha, Found Buddha, or perhaps even Boston Buddha, though that sounds like a baseball player's nickname.
The cucumber is locally sourced, and it is a straaaange item. If I had a miniature ship model handy, I would have painted the two together and titled the result "Moby Dick", because this particular cucumber reminds me of a Great White Whale in miniature. The colors of this one don't come across very well in the JPG, a lot of the high end values are cut off for some reason. The painted cucumber has more white and clearer highlighting.

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