Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Goth Cherry" - SOLD

5" x 7" oil on gessoed panel
Picking through my bag of cherries for artistically suitable specimens, I found one with a freakishly curly stem. I bet it was ostracised by the other, redder, cherries. This curly-stemmed, pale cherry probably listened to WFNX and wrote poetry. It was a bit... Goth.
Speaking of which, I understand that "goth" has morphed into "emo"? My cultural vocabulary is still late-90's vintage (for example, in the old days at the end of last century, back when cell phones were a rarity, "sick" meant "gross", not "awesome") and, being conservative by nature, I refuse to change, goth darnit. Therefore, my unique cherry is "Goth" and not "Emo".

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