Friday, August 15, 2008

New Direction

There have been some big changes going on behind the scenes here, but they don't make for terribly exciting reading. The important development is that I will soon begin posting daily oil paintings for sale through my shop on Etsy. My goal is one painting a day, sold for about $100 shipped, and I've spent the last couple of months setting up and starting this new venture. I'll post the paintings here with commentary. I also have quite a bit of digital housekeeping to do. There are accounts to set up, graphics to be made, and layouts to be adjusted.
"Daily Painting" is a petite phrase, but it contains an entire Operation Overlord of change. I have re-arranged my office/studio, researched the market, purcha$$$ed a painfully large pile of $$$upplies, acquired materials for setup and lighting, discovered (or re-discovered) the ins and outs of producing good work in a hurry, and then of course there is the ever-present trial-by-fire in which the brush hits the gesso board, and planning meets reality. Of course, none of this is revolutionary - or news - but for me it's a very moving process. A new artistic start is simultaneously fun and excruciating, and unfortunately I don't have anyone to share it with, except you, the reader. Hopefully daily sales will mean traffic, which will mean comments and communications with other artists? That's what it's all about, in the end, I think... Work produced, and ideas shared. Progress!

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